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Black and White Paper on Terrorism

To inform citizens, journalists and politicians about the need for a common legal framework in Europe regarding terrorism.

Design and infographics: Relajaelcoco

Content: Maite Pagazaurtundúa’s Communication Team

Strategic Process Scheme

The Need

Maite Pagazaurtundúa and her team contacted us to design a book about European victims of terrorism and conscious stakeholders to discuss and create new law in Europe. They also wanted to reach a younger audience through the publication.

The Proposal

After analyzing an spreadsheet with more than 3,000 data points, we decided to create a double book that could illustrate the big picture of the effects of terrorism on European victims.

The Solution

Synthesis and minimalism lead us to design the entire publication using three colors: black (death), white (neutrality), and red (emotions and anger). This was a bold concept related to explosive elements. All the components of the main layout were distributed far from the spine of the book to create a dynamic structure and make the main concept pop.

The Goal

Following the first publication, politicians started talking more about the new law proposal. After three years the project had a wider reach, heightening awareness among people all over Europe.