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Spanish Screenings Visual Identity

Mojo is always an option and this project needed it

Strategy: Relajaelcoco

Visual Brand: Celia Campos (Relajaelcoco)

The Need

Spanish Screening is an initiative promoted by Ministerio de Cultura to enhance the importance of the Spanish audiovisual sector world wide. The 16th edition with the new brand was presented during Malaga Film Festival and it will also be present at San Sebastián Film Festival.

As Spanish Screenings is divided into several sections,  the logotype becomes a carousel to represent each section of the project.

This kind of project gave us the opportunity to design an eye-catching visual identity in which the main logo is accompanied by several icons, one for each category.

The Solution

The idea behind the visual identity is to create a multi brand system in which the main logo is transformed into several logos, one per each section of this platform. In this way the general visual identity becomes a personalized one for each category.

The Result

The final result is a beautiful contemporary and brutalist proposal in which digital screens and the idea of the carousel become a dynamic container of the Spanish Screenings essence.